Feriti tre Palestinesi nell’area di Tel Rumeida, a Hebron

With Israelis from Tel Rumeida settlement looking on from above, Israeli soldiers arrest two Palestinians and an international volunteer after confrontations between settlers, the Al Azzeh family who had just harvested their olives, and the military, October 22, 2012. The arrests followed the first time the Al Azzeh family was able to harvest their olives since 2007. Despite coordinating with the appropriate authorities, their harvest was disrupted by Israelis from the adjacent Tel Rumeida settlement, which like all settlements, is illegal under international law.
With Israelis from Tel Rumeida settlement looking on from above, Israeli soldiers arrest two Palestinians and an international volunteer after confrontations between settlers, the Al Azzeh family who had just harvested their olives, and the military, October 22, 2012. The arrests followed the first time the Al Azzeh family was able to harvest their olives since 2007. Despite coordinating with the appropriate authorities, their harvest was disrupted by Israelis from the adjacent Tel Rumeida settlement, which like all settlements, is illegal under international law.

Martedì sera, le forze israeliane hanno ferito tre Palestinesi nell’area di Tel Rumeida, a Hebron.

Testimoni hanno dichiarato che tre giovani sono stati feriti dai soldati israeliani a Tel Rumeida. Uno è stato gravemente ferito all’addome e si trova in ospedale. Gli altri due sono stati colpiti alle gambe.

Un altro giovane non identificato è stato rapito dalle forze israeliane durante incursioni nelle abitazioni.

L’esercito israeliano ha dichiarato che i giovani hanno lanciato cocktail Molotov contro una postazione militare.