Bambini palestinesi al campo estivo sotto scorta militare.


*[Note: secondo la IV Convenzione di Ginevra, la II Convenzione dell'Aja,

la Corte Internazionale di Giustizia e numerose risoluzioni ONU, tutti gli

insediamenti israeliani nei Territori Palestinesi Occupati sono illegali.

Gli avamposti sono considerati illegali anche secondo la legge israeliana.]*


 18 luglio 2010


At-Tuwani – South Hebron Hills


Ieri, 17 luglio 2010, nella scuola di At-Tuwani, un piccolo villaggio nelle

colline a sud di Hebron, è iniziato il campo estivo. Per due settimane,

tutte le mattine, animatori palestinesi e internazionali organizzeranno

giochi e attività ricreative rivolti a bambini di età compresa fra i 6 e i

14 anni. Parte del campo estivo quest'anno si svolgerà anche ad Al Fakheit,

un piccolo villaggio nel deserto, a sud di At-Tuwani, dove l'anno scorso, a

settembre, è stata aperta una scuola per garantire il diritto all'istruzione

anche ai bambini di quell'area.


In coincidenza con il campo estivo è ricominciata anche la scorta militare

israeliana per accompagnare ogni giorno nel tragitto da e per la scuola i

bambini provenienti dai villaggi di Tuba e di Magayr Al Abeed


Dal 2001 i coloni dell'avamposto di Havat Ma'on hanno attaccato più volte i

bambini lungo la strada da e per la scuola, ma solo nel novembre del 2004

l'autorità israeliana ha predisposto una scorta militare quotidiana.


I soldati avrebbero il compito di scortare i bambini, ma la realtà è che

spesso non adempiono in maniera efficace al loro dovere come emerge dal

report annuale sull'andamento scolastico 2009-2010, nella versione completa

in uscita nelle prossime settimane. Dai dati delle ultime statistiche,

infatti, è emerso che *durante l'anno scolastico 2009-2010 i bambini sono

stati vittime degli attacchi da parte dei coloni 19 volte.*


Inoltre i soldati sono venuti meno al compito di scortare adeguatamente i

bambini, dal momento che *non hanno camminato al loro fianco nel 75% dei

casi, si sono rifiutati di completare la scorta fino alla fine

dell'insediamento nel 94% dei casi e hanno costretto i bambini a correre in

11 casi.*


Durante l'ultimo anno scolastico, la scorta militare è spesso arrivata in

ritardo, costringendo i bambini ad aspettare, a volte per ore, prima e dopo

la scuola. *I bambini hanno perso quasi 27 ore di lezione e hanno aspettato

dopo la scuola l'arrivo dei militari israeliani per un totale di 53 ore.*


Tutte le statistiche riguardanti l'anno scolastico 2009–2010 saranno

disponibili nelle prossime settimane all'interno del report in uscita. I

dati raccolti durante l'anno scolastico 2008-2009 si possono trovare

in “*Divieto

di istruzione. La sofferenza dei bambini palestinesi tra occupazione

militare ed espansione delle colonie”*, a cura di Operazione Colomba e

Humanity Together, disponibile al link:


Operazione Colomba e Christian Peacemaker Teams mantengono una presenza

costante nel villaggio di At-Tuwani e nell'area delle colline a sud di

Hebron dal 2004.


Per informazioni:


Operazione Colomba, +972 54 99 25 773



Operation Dove – Nonviolent Peace Corps


Ass. Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII







*(Italian follows)*


*[Note: According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hague Regulations,

the Internati
onal Court of Justice, and several United Nations resolutions,

all Israeli settlements and outposts in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

are illegal. Most settlement outposts, including Havat Ma'on (Hill 833), are

considered illegal also under Israeli law.]*



  18 July 2010


At-Tuwani – South Hebron Hills


Yesterday, 17th July 2010, the Summer Camp for children began in the primary

school of At-Tuwani, a small village in the South Hebron Hills. Every

morning for two weeks, Palestinian and International trainers will organize

games and activities for children from 6 to 14 years old. Part of the Summer

Camp will take place in Al Fakheit, a village in the desert further south of

At-Tuwani, where the school started only last September to guarantee the

right to access education for children. The Israeli military escort started,

at the beginning of the summer camp, accompaning the children that daily

join the camp from the villages of Tuba and Magayr Al-Abeed.


Since 2001, Israeli settlers from Havat Ma'on outpost have routinely

attacked the children on their journey to and from school but it was not

until November 2004 that Israeli authorities established a daily military



The soldiers carrying out the escort have at times failed to protect the

children, as result from the annual report about the 2009-2010 school year,

available in the next few weeks. From the last statistics, in fact, it has

emerged that *during the last school year the children have been victims of

violence by settlers 19** **times.*


Furthermore, the military failed to provide a consistent escort for the

children *not walking with them along the path in 75% of the cases, refusing

to complete the escort until the end of the settlement in 94% of the cases

and forcing them to run in 11 cases.*


During the last school year, soldiers have also frequently arrived late,

causing the children to wait, sometimes for hours, before and after school.

C*hildren missed almost 27 hours of school and waited a total of 53**

**hours for military escort after school.



The data collected during the 2009-2010 school year will be released in few

weeks inside the annual school patrol report. The report documenting the

2008-2009 military escort of the schoolchildren, “*The Closed Road to

Education. Palestinian students suffer under violent settlement

expansion,”*is available at:


Operation Dove and Christian Peacemaker Teams have maintained an

international presence in At-Tuwani and South Hebron Hills since 2004.


For further information:


Operation Dove, 054 99 25 773



*(Italian follows)*


*[Note: According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hague Regulations,

the International Court of Justice, and several United Nations resolutions,

all Israeli settlements and outposts in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

are illegal. Most settlement outposts, including Havat Ma'on (Hill 833), are

considered illegal also under Israeli law.]*



  18 July 2010


At-Tuwani – South Hebron Hills


Yesterday, 17th July 2010, the Summer Camp for children began in the primary

school of At-Tuwani, a small village in the South Hebron Hills. Every

morning for two weeks, Palestinian and International trainers will organize

games and activities for children from 6 to 14 years old. Part of the Summer

Camp will take place in Al Fakheit, a village in the desert further south of

At-Tuwani, where the school started only last September to guarantee the

right to access education for children. The Israeli military escort started,

at the beginning of the summer camp, accompaning the children that daily

join the camp from the villages of Tuba and Magayr Al-Abeed.


Since 2001, Israeli settlers from Havat Ma'on outpost have routinely

attacked the children on their journey to and from school but it was not

until November 2004 that Israeli authorities established a daily military



The soldiers carrying out the escort have at times failed to protect the

children, as result from the annual report about the 2009-2010 school year,

available in the next few weeks. From the last statistics, in fact, it has

emerged that *during the last school year the children have been victims of

violence by settlers 19** **times.*


Furthermore, the military failed to provide a consistent escort for the

children *not walking with them along the path in 75% of the cases, refusing

to complete the escort until the end of the settlement in 94% of the cases

and forcing them to run in 11 cases.*


During the last school year, soldiers have also frequently arrived late,

causing the children to wait, sometimes for hours, before and after school.

C*hildren missed almost 27 hours of school and waited a total of 53**

**hours for military escort after school.



The data collected during the 2009-2010 school year will be released in few

weeks inside the annual school patrol report. The report documenting the

2008-2009 military escort of the schoolchildren, “*The Closed Road to

Education. Palestinian students suffer under violent settlement

expansion,”*is available at:


Operation Dove and Christian Peacemaker Teams have maintained an

international presence in At-Tuwani and South Hebron Hills since 2004.


For further information:


Operation Dove, 054 99 25 773




mobile: +972 54 9925773