Blair, non ci fidiamo di te.

Blair, we don’t trust you
By Khalid Amayreh
Sep 10, 2006, 23:12


British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in occupied Palestine Saturday, 9 September, in what seemed another futile (and insincere) effort to push the virtually non-existent “peace process” forward.

Blair has met with Israeli leaders and officials who have just carried out a genocidal campaign against Lebanon , resulting in the death and maiming of thousands of Lebanese civilians. The bulk of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure was also pulverized in the 33-day Wehrmacht-like campaign of murder and terror.

Indeed, while cluster bombs, smart bombs, bunker busters and depleted uranium shells were raining death on Lebanese civilians, Blair opposed reaching a ceasefire, hoping that Israel will have the time needed to “get the job done.”

It is not so difficult to predict what Blair will tell Olmert who is now fighting for his political survival following the Lebanese debacle. Certainly Blair will not ask Israel to stop its ongoing slow-motion genocide in Gaza where 1.4 million human beings are being impoverished, encircled and starved in a manner resembling the way the Nazis were treating their victims in occupied Europe .

In any case, this man has totally and irreversibly lost every iota of respect, let alone credibility, in the eyes of the people of the Middle East .

He is perceived as a pathological liar, a skillful prevaricator, a slick quibbler and a totally dishonest leader.

His role as President Bush’s public relations officer, or poodle as the British press would rather caricature him, has left no doubt as to the man’s deceitful character.

But Blair is actually more than deceitful. He is a war criminal, and I am saying that figuratively.

Blair played a key role in effecting the unprovoked Anglo-American invasion, occupation and subsequent destruction of Iraq, a sovereign nation, which had nothing to do with Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks on the US, nor possessed weapons of mass destruction as claimed ad nauseam by Blair and his master, the ignorant and mendacious Fuhrer of the White House.

Needless to say, invading another country because you don’t like its leadership is a criminal act. And Bush and Blair are personally responsible for every drop of blood shed in Iraq since the Anglo-American invasion and occupation of the Arab country.
Yes, Saddam did commit monstrous crimes against his neighbors and his people, and nobody should seek to extenuate these crimes. But Saddam’s crimes look minor and lesser when compared to the holocaust being inflicted on the Iraqi people and their country by the very people who had claimed to be liberators.

Furthermore, a callous Blair who effectively supported the Israeli murderous rampage in Lebanon can’t really be expected to show any empathy or sympathy toward the nearly decimated Palestinians.

Palestinians would have thought that the Prime Minister of a country that implanted Israel in their ancestral homeland and enabled manifestly racist Ashkenazi Jews to arrogate their land, farms and homes and then expel them to the four corners of earth would at the very least seek to atone for this historical injustice and continuing oppression by adopting a more or less equitable and moral stand toward their enduring plight.

Unfortunately, Blair turned out to be a Zionist to the core, a person whose shield is mendacity, whose policy is dishonesty and whose public discourse is deception.

How many times did Blair promise that he would get the US to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict? How many times did he promise that the Palestinian plight would be a priority for his government? The promises were many, but the fulfillment was nil.

Blair himself seems to have realized, though belatedly, the futility and bankruptcy of his policies. In a speech to the world Affairs Council in Los Angeles on 2 August, the British PM admitted that the west was losing the battle for hearts and minds in the Middle East .

“We are far from persuading those we need to persuade that western values were evenhanded, fair and just in their application.” He added that “ in the short term, we are not winning.”

What western values is this cardinal liar talking about? The acquiesce to the callous and deliberate extermination of men, women and children in Gaza and south Lebanon? Supporting the Dresden-like bombing of schools, hospitals, colleges, bridges, airports, homes and the leveling to the ground of entire neighborhoods in southern Beirut ?

Is he talking about keeping gleefully silent while Gaza is dying and a Third Reich-like Israel is hell-bent on starving these encircled Palestinians to death by denying them access to food, water and work and by withholding their tax money and barring them from traveling and seeking education and medical care abroad?

Or maybe he is alluding to the “sublime” western concern for democracy. Well, what we have really seen is a sublime western hypocrisy in action in the aftermath of the Palestinian elections, admittedly the most democratic in the Arab world, when Britain and America and other western countries decided to impose draconian and suffocating sanctions on Palestinians as punishment for electing Hamas.

Would Europe and America impose sanctions on Israel if the Israeli people chose a far-right winger or a certified war criminal, e.g. Dan Hallutz or Moshe Ya’alon, as prime minister? I doubt it.

It is probably pointless to ask such a question, given the stark hypocrisy and moral duplicity of American and European leaders. However, it is always innocuous to remind the masses of the almost totally immoral animals now in control of their lives.

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