Over 80 national and global activities!
Sixth Week against the Apartheid Wall
November 9 – 16 2008
The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and its popular committees, in cooperation with Palestinian grassroots organizations and NGOs, have once again prepared an impressive program of resistance, featuring almost daily protests and the Third National Olive Festival, held this year in Asira al-Qibliya, Nablus district.
City and Location: at-Taybeh, Jenin district Date: November 8th Type of initiative: Voluntary work. Other details: Students help the farmers, whose lands are affected by the Wall to pick their olives. Organizers: Youth for Freedom Initiative and students from Arab-American University in Zababdeh, Jenin district.
City and Location: Beita, Nablus district Date: November 9th Time: 1 pm Type of initiative: Festival
City and Location: Nablus and Jenin district Date: November 14th Time: after prayer Type of initiative: March and sit-in Other details: People from the surrounding villages will march towards the entrance of Homesh settlement, which currently sees further expansion, to protest Israeli colonization of their lands.
City and Location: Nilin, Ramallah district Date: November 14th Time: after prayer Type of initiative: Demonstration Other details: People from Nilin will join with their weekly demonstration the Week against the Apartheid Wall
City and Location: Bilin, Ramallah district Date: November 14th Time: after prayer Type of initiative: Demonstration Other details: People from Bilin will join with their weekly demonstration the Week against the Apartheid Wall
City and Location: al-Masra, Bethlehem district Date: November 14th Time: after prayer Type of initiative: Demonstration Other details: People from al-Masra will join with their weekly demonstration the Week against the Apartheid Wall
City and Location: Salfit district Date: November 14th Time: after prayer Type of initiative: March and prayer Other details: people from Hares, Deir Istiya and Qarawa Bani Hasan will march to their lands that have recently been confiscated to expand Rafaf settlement.
City and Location: Asira al-Qibliya Date: November 15th Time: 11 am Type of initiative: 3rd National Olive Festival Other details: The festival will see speeches, exhibits and cultural performances. It marks the closing of the 5th olive harvest campaign.
City and Location: Faraon, Tulkarem Date:November 16th Time: 11 am Type of initiative: march to the Wall
City and Location: Beit Awla, Hebron district Date: November 16th Time: 8 am Type of initiative: voluntary work Other details:collective olive harvesting initiative to support the farmers and to plant new olive trees on the village lands close to the Wall to demonstrate the the farmers will not surrender any inch of their lands.
City and Location: Qalqiliya Date: November 16th Time: 11 am Type of initiative: march to the northern gate in the Wall
List of global activities during the Week against the Apartheid Wall
Groups, movements and networks in 17 countries all over the world have so far given us feedback on more than 70 activities and protests that are to be held during the Week against the Apartheid Wall. If your events are still missing from the list, please, send the information about your events to global@stopthewall.org and let us know the following details:
Country and Location: Date: Time: Type of Initiative: Other details: Organizers: Contact: |
1. Argentina
City and Location: Buenos Aires, Raíces Cultural Center, Agrelo Street 3045 Date: November 5th Time: 8 pm Type of initiative: Filmscreening: Massaker, by Monika Borgmann, Lokman Slim and Hermann Theissen, followed by a discussion. Organizers: Peace, Sovereignty and Solidarity with the Palestinian People (MOPASSOL) together with Cultura en Movimiento, the Argentinian Solidarity Association with the Palestinian People – which groups more than 17 organizations – and the Union of Argentinean-Palestinian Organizations.
City and Location:Buenos Aires, Paseo Colón y Brasil Date:November 8th Time: 2 pm 6 pm Type of initiative: Cultural street activity, including the graffiti artwork guided by the Brigada Jorge Calvo de Cultura en Movimiento, an open radio and musical performances Organizers: La Coordinadora de Lucha contra el Muro del Apartheid y por la Soberanía del Pueblo Palestino; coordinacontramuro@gmail.com
City and Location: Buenos Aires, Auditorium, Law School, National University of Buenos Aires (UBA) Date: November 26th Time: 6 pm Type of initiative: Academic Ceremony in commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Other details: The Dean of the Law School, National University (UBA) will open the ceremony with a welcome speech.
City and Location: Buenos Aires, Argentine National Congress, Salón Auditorio, Honorable Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Date: November 20th Time: 8 pm Type of initiative: Commemoration Ceremony of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
City and Location: Buenos Aires, ATE (Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado) Auditorim, Av. Belgrano 2527 Date: November 28th Time: 7:30 pm Type of initiative: Ceremony in commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Organizers: the Asociación Argentina de Solidaridad con Palestina (AARSOPAL) and the member organizations
2. Australia
City and Location: Melbourne Date: November 13 Type of initiative: Street protest Other details: A mock wall will be erected Organizers: Australians for Palestine and Women for Palestine
City and Location: Melbourne Date: November 14 Type of initiative: Film screening: Hope in a Sling Shot by Inka Starfrace Organizers: Australians for Palestine and Women for Palestine
3. Brazil
City and Location: Sao Paulo, Sede de sindacato dos Advogados de Sao Paulo, Rua da Abolicao, 167, Bela Vista Date: November 8th Time: 10 am – 6 pm Type of initiative: Solidarity Day Other details: 10 am Reception 10:30 am Opening panel: Social movements and the defense of the Palestinian cause in Brazil: An evaluation of 2008 11:30 am – Film screening: The Iron Wall 1:30 pm 2:30 pm Lunch break 2:30 pm Film screening: Open Heart 3 pm Film screening: The Gaza Strip 4:30 Debate: The Wall in Palestine: Free trade without free movement? 6 pm Closing Organizers: MOPAT, with the support of: ICArabe, Sindicato dos Advogados, Sao Paulo, Projeto Revista Viracao e Conlutas (Coordnedancao Nacional de Lutas)
4. Canada
City and Location: Montreal Date: November 10th Type of initiative: Public forum on Israeli apartheid Organizers: Tadamon!
City and Location: Tinto Coffee House, Toronto Date: November 12 25 (opening night event taking place on Wednesday, November 19, 7 pm,) Time: Monday through Saturday from 9am to 9pm, and Sunday from 10am to 5pm Type of initiative: photo exhibit Other details: the photo exhibit entitled Bilin village against the Wall shows the dramatic effect of the Wall and the steadfastness of the Palestinian people; the opening night features videos and speakers about the struggle in the West Bank village of Bil’in against the Apartheid Wall and the recent launch of legal action against Canadian corporations involved in building settlements on Bil’in village land. Organizers: Tinto Coffee House (www.tinto.ca) and the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (caiaweb.org)
City and Location: Toronto, University of Toronto Date: November 10 – 14th Type of initiative: Week of Public Education Other details: Displays, tabling, mass outreach and film showings under the title Tear Down the Apartheid Wall: End Israeli Apartheid. Organizers: Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA), saia@riseup.net
City and Location: Toronto, Ryerson University Date: November 10 – 14th Type of initiative: Week of Public Education Other details: Displays, tabling, mass outreach and film showings under the title Tear Down the Apartheid Wall: End Israeli Apartheid. Organizers: Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA), saia@riseup.net
City and Location: Toronto, York University Date: November 10 – 14th Type of initiative: Week of Public Education Other details: Displays, tabling, mass outreach and film showings under the title Tear Down the Apartheid Wall: End Israeli Apartheid. Organizers: Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA), saia@riseup.net
City and Location: Toronto, University of Toronto Date: November 13th Time: 7 pm Type of initiative: Public forum Other details: Framing the Apartheid Wall as a "security fence" is just one of the ways in which the Israeli PR machine has tried to deflect negative publicity for its product: Israeli Apartheid. Under the title Apartheid by any other name: Marketing the ‘Israel Brand’ in Toronto , the public forum discusses the Israeli propaganda machine at work in Canada. Organizers: Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA), saia@riseup.net and Action Group of OPIRG – Toronto (www.opirguoft.org )
City and Location: Toronto, Runnymede Chapters: 2225 Bloor Street West Date: November 15th Time: 11am – 1 pm Type of initiative: rally and picket Other details: The rally continues the protests calling for the Boycott of Chapters&Indigo. to send a clear message to majority shareholders of Chapters-Indigo, Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz, that they must CUT all financial ties to the HESEG Foundation for Lone Soldiers. HESEG Foundation for Lone Soldiers provides scholarships and other support to recruits from abroad who choose to serve in Israel’s Apartheid military. Organizers: Coalition against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), www.caiaweb.org or endapartheid@riseup.net
5. Canary Islands
City and Location: Telde Date: November 9th end of November Type of initiative: Exhibit Other details: Three collections of images are presented showing Naji Al-Alis cartoons, a set of photos by Sofía Segura Herrera (Spanish Women in Black) on the Wall and an UNRWA collection of pictures illustrating the Nakba. Presentations and films will be organized and a solidarity event will be held at the end of November. Organizers: Mujeres por la Paz y Acción Solidaria con Palestina
6. Denmark
Further information to come.
7. France
City and Location: Lyon, Perron de l’Hôtel de Ville, Place des Terreaux, Lyon 1er (métro A – Hôtel de Ville) Date: November 7th, 14th Time: 6 pm 7 pm Type of initiative: Silent vigil Organizers: Women in Black
City and Location: Lyon, Place Bellecour Date: November 14th, 15th, 16th Type of initiative: Stall Organizers: Collectif Place Bellecour
City and Location: Lyon, Place Bellecour Date: November 15th Time: 3 pm Type of initiative: Conference Organizers: Collectif Place Bellecour
8. Kenya
Date: November 9th 16th Type of initiative: Radio programs discussing the Wall and the occupation of Palestine are scheduled in the following radio stations: FM Radio Iqra (English/ Swahili) in Nairobi FM Radio Rahma (English/ Swahili) in Mombasa FM Radio Salaam (Swahili/ Somali) in Mombasa FM Radio Star (Somali) in the North Eastern Province Organizers: Muslim Youth Association
9. Korea
City and Location: Seoul Date: November 7th Type of initiative: Public forum: "The construction of the wall and people’s resistance Organizers: IFIS(Imagination for International Solidarity www.ifis.org.kr ), PPS(Palestine Peace Solidarity www.pal.or.kr)
City and Location: Seoul Date: November 9th Type of initiative: Campaign Organizers: IFIS(Imagination for International Solidarity www.ifis.org.kr), PPS(Palestine Peace Solidarity www.pal.or.kr)
City and Location: Seoul Date: November 10th Type of initiative: Demonstration in front of the Israeli embassy Organizers: IFIS(Imagination for International Solidarity www.ifis.org.kr), PPS(Palestine Peace Solidarity www.pal.or.kr)
City and Location: Seoul Date: November 11th 13th Type of initiative: Rally and picket actions Organizers: IFIS(Imagination for International Solidarity www.ifis.org.kr), PPS(Palestine Peace Solidarity www.pal.or.kr)
City and Location: Seoul Date: November 11th 13th Type of initiative: Campaign Organizers: IFIS(Imagination for International Solidarity www.ifis.org.kr), PPS(Palestine Peace Solidarity www.pal.or.kr)
10. Malaysia
Further information to come.
11. Netherlands
City and Location: The Hague, Plein, in front of the Parliament building Date: November 11th Time: 12:30 pm 2:30 pm Type of initiative: picket Other details: The picket is held as part of the Week Against the Apartheid Wall and coincides with the start of the parliamentary debate on foreign affairs, including the Middle-East. NPK will hand out its book "The destruction of Palestine" to the chairperson of the parliament during the year 2008, in which we asked attention for 60 years of ongoing Nakba. Organizers: Netherlands Palestine Committee (NPK) and friends of Palestine
12. Norway
City and Location: all over the country Date: November 19th 16th Type of initiative: Direct action targeting Veolia
City and Location: Oslo Date: November 7th Time: 3 pm Type of initiative: Conference: Introduction to the conflict and the wall Other details: part of the Norwegian Social forum Organizers: Norwegian Peoples Aid
City and Location: Oslo Date: November 7th Type of initiative: Interactive workshop How to work for a just solution of the conflict Other details: Part of the Norwegian Social forum Organizers: Norwegian Tear Down the Wall Campaign
City and Location: Oslo Date: November 7th Type of initiative: film screening of The Iron Wall Other details: Part of the Norwegian Social forum Organizers: Norwegian Tear Down the Wall Campaign
City and Location: Oslo Date: November 8th Type of initiative: Strategies for a global movement against occupation and apartheid- promoting peace and liberation Other details: Part of the Norwegian Social forum Organizers: Socialist Youth (SU) and Palestine committee
City and Location: Oslo Date: November 8th Type of initiative: Concert by DAM (hip hop from Palestine 48) Other details: Part of the Norwegian Social forum Organizers: Oslo World Music Festival
City and Location: Oslo Date: November 15th Type of initiative: Demonstration Organizers: Socialist Youth
13. Scotland
City and Location: Glasgow, McEwan Hall in Bristo Square Date: November 11th
Time: 5 pm Type of initiative: Protest
Other details: The action protests the invitation of Israeli ambassador by the University of Glasgow Organizers: Scottish PSC
13. Spain
City and Location: Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias de la Informacion, universidad complutense de Madrid Date: November 7 Time: 8 pm Type of initiative: Debate Other details: A round table discussion under the title Palestine and the Apartheid Wall, participated by Carlos Berzosa (director of the university), Gaspar Llamazares (MP, Izquierda Unida), Julio Rodriguez (presidente, Asociacion Paz Ahora), Salah Mohammad Salah (president of the commission on refugees, PLO), Naeem Jennah (chairman of the PSC South Africa) Organizers: Paz Ahora, Palestinian youth Network
City and Location: Madrid, auditorio del Centro Cultural Conde Duque Date: November 8 Time: 8 pm Type of initiative: Festival Organizers: Paz Ahora, Palestinian Youth Network
City and Location: Madrid, in front of parliament Date: November 9th, Time: 12 am Type of initiative: Street protest/rally Organizers: Solidarity network against the occupation of Palestine, Center of independent media, Madrid
City and Location: Patio Maravillas , Calle Acuerdo nº8, Madrid Date: November 7 Time: 6 pm – midnight Type of initiative: Awareness raising and discussion Other details: The solidarity day against the Wall includes a film screening, a workshop on the history of the occupation and its core mechanisms and closes with a Palestinian dinner. Organizers: Centro de Medios which participated in a delegation to Palestine last August
14. Switzerland
City and Location: Geneva Date: November 8th Time: 12:30 pm 2:30 pm Type of initiative: Street action Other details: On a central market, a mock wall will be built and a 4 page booklet on the Wall will be distributed. An open air film screening is planned. Organizers: Collectif Urgence Palestine
15. UK
City and Location: Oxford, Cornmarket Date: November 8th Time: 12 am 1 pm Type of initiative: Vigil Organizers: Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign (www.oxfordpsc.info) and Oxford Women in Black
16. US
The US Campaign to End the Occupation organizes in coincidence with the 6th Week against the Apartheid Wall its national speaking tour Separate Is Never Equal: Stories from South Africa and Palestine with Diana Buttu and Rev. Eddie Makue.
City and Location: Washington, DC, Palestine Center Date: November 10th Time: 12:30 pm -2 pm Type of initiative: Luncheon briefing Organizers: US Campaign to End the Occupation cosponsored by Palestine Center
City and Location: Washington, DC, Arlington Campus (Hazel Hall atrium) Date: November 10th Time: 7 pm Type of initiative: Public lecture at George Mason School of Law Organizers: US Campaign to End the Occupation cosponsored by Arab Law Students Association-GMU
City and Location: Washington, DC, busboys & poets Date: November 10th Time: 8 pm 10 pm Type of initiative: Fundraising reception Other details: Contact US Campaign for tickets $50 Organizers: US Campaign to End the Occupation
City and Location: New York, Brooklyn College Date: November 11th Time: 12:15 pm 2:15 pm Type of initiative: Public lecture Organizers: Brooklyn for Peace & Adalah NY
City and Location: New York, Brooklyn, Salam Arabic Lutheran Church, 345 Ovington Ave Date: November 11th Time: 5 pm 7 pm Type of initiative: Speaking event Organizers: Brooklyn for Peace & Adalah NY
City and Location: New York, Brooklyn, Park Slope United Methodist Church Date: November 11th Time: 7:30 pm 9:30 pm Type of initiative: Public lecture Organizers: Brooklyn for Peace & Adalah NY
City and Location: New York, Manhattan, Columbia University Law School Date: November 12th Time: 7 pm 9 pm Type of initiative: Public lecture Organizers: Brooklyn for Peace & Adalah NY
City and Location: Dearborn/Detroit, Byblos Banquet Hall Date: November 13th Time: 7 pm 9 pm Type of initiative: Public event Organizers: Palestine Office-Michigan
City and Location: Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Bolton Hall, Room 150 Date: November 14th Time: 7 pm 9 pm Type of initiative: Public lecture Organizers: Peace Action Wisconsin cosponsored by Arab student association, Muslim student association, SDS, Milwaukee American Arab anti-Discrimination Committee chapter.
City and Location: Chicago, Hyde Park Date: November 15th Time: 10 am 11 am Type of initiative: PUSH meeting Organizers: AFSC & Coalition for Justice and Peace in Israel and Palestine
City and Location: Chicago, Oak Park Public Library – Rep. Danny Davis Date: November 15th Time: 2:30 pm 4:30 pm Type of initiative: Public speaking event Organizers: AFSC & Coalition for Justice and Peace in Israel and Palestine
City and Location: Chicago, United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse Avenue, Chicago, IL 60626 Date: November 16th Time: 11 am Type of initiative: 10 minutes during service, one hour after service Organizers: AFSC & Coalition for Justice and Peace in Israel and Palestine
City and Location: Boulder/Denver, University of Colorado Boulder Date: November 17th Time: 7 pm 9 pm Type of initiative: Public lecture Organizers: Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center
City and Location: Los Angeles, California State University at Long Beach Date: November 18th Time: evening Type of initiative: Public speaking event Organizers: AFSC
City and Location: Los Angeles, UCLA Date: November 19th Time: evening Type of initiative: Public lecture Organizers: AFSC
City and Location: Louisville, University of Louisville Chao Auditorium Date: November 20th Time: 7:30 pm 9:30 pm Type of initiative: Public speaking event Organizers: Louisville Committee for Peace in the Middle East
City and Location: Atlanta, Georgia State law library Date: November 21st Time: 10 am 11 am Type of initiative: Public speaking event Organizers: AFSC
City and Location: Atlanta, Spelman college / Atlanta University Center Date: November 21st Time: 12 pm 2:30 pm Type of initiative: Public speaking event Organizers: AFSC
City and Location: Atlanta, Martin Luther King birthplace Date: November 21st Time: 4:30 pm 5:30 pm Type of initiative: March from MLK birthplace to King Center, followed by reception evening Organizers: AFSC
City and Location: Atlanta, Hyatt /Ft. Benning (School Of the Americas Watch) Date: November 22nd Type of initiative: SOA vigil where Diana Buttu will address the crowd Organizers: AFSC
City and Location: Loudoun County, Virginia Date: November 23rd Time: Late afternoon Type of initiative: Tea-time reception at South African Embassy in Washington Organizers: Winchester United Church of Christ
City and Location: New York, United Nations Date: November 24th Time: 10 am 12 am Type of initiative: Eddie Makue, General Secretary for the South African Council of Churches, addresses the UN General Assembly in honour of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Mr. Makues panel begins at 11:15. Organizers: UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
City and Location: New York, United Nations Date: November 24th Time: 6 pm 8 pm Type of initiative: Reception in honour of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Organizers: UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
17. Venezuela
City and Location: Caracas Date: November 10th Type of initiative: Press conference and presentation of joint communiqué against the Wall and the Israeli occupation Organizers: Foro Itinerante para la Participación Popular, Asociación de Socorro al Pueblo Palestino Canaan, Asociación Nacional de Medios Comunitarios, Libres y Alternativos (ANMCLA)
City and Location: Caracas, Cuartel San Carlos Date: November 12th Type of initiative: The Wall Film screening and conference Organizers: Foro Itinerante para la Participación Popular, Asociación de Socorro al Pueblo Palestino Canaan, Asociación Nacional de Medios Comunitarios, Libres y Alternativos (ANMCLA)
City and Location: Caracas, National Theatre Teresa Carreño Date: November 13th Type of initiative: The Wall and the refugees Film screening and conference Organizers: Foro Itinerante para la Participación Popular, Asociación de Socorro al Pueblo Palestino Canaan, Asociación Nacional de Medios Comunitarios, Libres y Alternativos (ANMCLA)
City and Location: Caracas, Bvr. Sabana Grande Date: November 14th Type of initiative: Cultural street march against the Wall Organizers: Foro Itinerante para la Participación Popular, Asociación de Socorro al Pueblo Palestino Canaan, Asociación Nacional de Medios Comunitarios, Libres y Alternativos (ANMCLA)
City and Location: Caracas, Encuentro de los Artistas Date: November 15th Type of initiative: Poetry reading and musical event in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle and against the Aparheid Wall Organizers: Foro Itinerante para la Participación Popular, Asociación de Socorro al Pueblo Palestino Canaan, Asociación Nacional de Medios Comunitarios, Libres y Alternativos (ANMCLA)