'Suicidato' a distanza fondatore della Palestinian Child Welfare Foundation.

Chi sostiene il popolo di Palestina, vessato e aggredito da una tra le tirannie peggiori della Storia, è a rischio. Dovunque si trovi…

Riceviamo da Al-Awda-Italia e pubblichiamo.

Venerdì 18 aprile

Stanotte è stata trovata la salma di Riadh el-Solh, il fondatore del
Palestinian Child Welfare Foundation – una fondazione negli USA, dedicata
all’assistenza di minori con handicap in Palestina, alle cure mediche,
l’assistenza paramedica ed alla riabilitazione.

Due giorni dopo che l’artiglieria israeliana aveva buttato giù diversi
reparti dell’unico ospedale nella Striscia di Gaza abilitato alla
riabilitazione, si è trovata la salma del presidente di una delle maggiori
fonti di finanziamento ai minori handicapati in Palestina, Riadh el-Solh. In
un primo momento, la polizia ha parlato di presunto suicidio, ma nessuno si
suicida avvolgendosi completamente con nastro autoadesivo per pacchi, per poi
lanciarsi in un lago. Si tratta di un assassinio. Riadh al-Solh, insegnante
presso un liceo di Austin, Texas, non era rientrato a casa lunedì. Stanotte
(ora italiana) una donna, passeggiando al Lago Lady Bird di Texas, ha visto
galleggiare il suo corpo. Era avvolto in nastro autoadesivo. Mentre la
famiglia era ancora sotto chock, la polizia è entrata in casa e ha portato
via CD ed altro materiale dallo studio di Riadh al-Solh.

Riadh al-Solh proviene da uno dei campi profughi in Libano. Ha dedicato
tutta la sua vita all’assistenza e alla riabilitazione di ragazzi profughi
handicappati, che senza questo aiuto non avrebbero alcuna possibilità di
sviluppare le loro capacità di lavorare e condurre una vita normale. Ad
esempio i ciechi ed i sordomuti: l’UNRWA non copre le loro particolari
esigenze per cui, senza l’aiuto di fondazioni come quella di Riadh al-Solh,
questi ragazzi rimarebbero analfabeti.


Riad Esolh a martyr for Palestine.

We were greatly shocked and saddened with the news of the murder of Riad
Hamad Esolh. Riad’s body was found floating in Lady Bird Lake in Austin
after he was reported missing since the beginning of the week.

Riad was a dedicated man as chairman of the "Palestinian Child Welfare
Foundation", he was helping disabled children in Palestinian refugee camps,
and he used to ask for my help to contact these unfortunate children to hand
them financial help for medical treatment, education and food. I am sure
that these young people and families who had highly appreciated Riad’s help
and humanity shall be saddened and in tears with the dreadful sad news of
Riad’s murder. We are sure it is a murder, and not a suicide, for a man who
dedicated his life to help the unfortunate to recover from their sickness,
complete their schooling, and have enough food so as to live a decent life,
even in their retched refugee camps, would not commit suicide. He was
helping people to live, then how would he take his own life!!!

What shocked me was to hear that some security agents broke into his house
and carried away with them his files and CDs and other things, I didn’t know
what happened after that, but I was sure that he would be accused of
supporting some "terror organizations" or "white washing money"! This is a
big joke that Zionists and those who collaborate with them would want to see
even disabled Palestinian children helped to overcome the hardships Zionism
had brought them.

We call on all those who are in a position to donate to Riad’s fund so as
his good work will be continued, not to hesitate in doing so. I am sure that
with continuing the hard and honest work shall make his soul rest in peace.

Riad comes from a Beiruti and lived in Beirut not far from the Palestinian
refugee camps that surround Beirut, which see first hand their hardships,
for who he decided extend his help to enable his Arab compatriots practice
their Right of Return to their homes and land.

God bless his soul.

A friend that I had never met face to face, but heart to heart.


Riad Hamad, PCWF, murdered