Testimonianza dalle manifestazioni nonviolente in Cisgiordania

Riceviamo da Mazin Qumsiyeh e pubblichiamo.

Today (19 february) there were demonstrations and confrontations in a number of locations
in the occupied West Bank with three enduring particularly vicious Israeli
attacks: Ni’lin, Bil’in, Al-Ma'sara. It is impossible to be in many places
at one time so I chose to go to Al-Ma'sara for their weekly demonstration.
There, the demonstrators decided to go on the main street and as soon as we
got there, the occupation army attacked the peaceful demonstrators. There
were no warnings but immediate volley of concussion grenades and tear gas
canisters. The soldiers chased people into the village and continued
firing. I stayed close to the soldiers and tried to reason with them. In one
instance they used a stun grenade to prevent me from talking to soldiers who
are mindlessly obeying officers. I could not help think of Nazis and
Apartheid soldiers. I persisted in trying to reason with them. As we were
leaving, a higher ranking military intelligence officer stopped me and did
get my name and coordinates.
Video here: <

But I wish we were also in Ni’lin and Bil’in where demonstrators actually
succeeded in dismantling section of the apartheid barrier in both villages
(Israelis call it in Hebrew Geder HaHafrada, segregation barrier). A few
hundred demonstrated in Ni’lin and some injuries were reported (see report
below in Arabic). Over a thousand demonstrated in Bil’in and the army
dispersed them with concussion grenades and tear gas (see misleading report
in Haaretz <http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1151032.html>
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1151032.html ).

We hope you will join us in Beit Sahour on Sunday at Ush Ghrab on the
eastern side of the town at 10:30 AM (till 12:30) to protest the Israeli
military activities in the area. Here is where the International Solidarity
Movement got its birth nearly 10 years ago and where a tax revolt in 1988
showed the way of civil resistance. Here is where people will once again
show what it means to stand-up for peace and justice. Prayers will be
offered and a peaceful vigil will occur on the spot.

As we always say: silence is complicity.

Quote of the day: Israeli U.S. Ambassador Michael Oren “The major concern
with J Street [US Jewish Zionist lobby but not AIPAC] was their position on
security issues, not the peace process. J Street has now come and supported
Congressman [Howard] Berman's Iran sanction bill; it has condemned the
Goldstone report; it has denounced the British court's decision to try Tzipi
Livni for war crimes, which puts J Street much more into the mainstream.”

Fourth World War By: BigNoise Tactical (2003)
From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa,
Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on
Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is the story of men and women
around the world who resist being annihilated in this war. Split into 9

ثلاث اصابات في مواجهات مسيرة نعلين و تقطيع مساحات من اسلاك الجدار

احتشد المئات من اهالي بلدة نعلين لاقامة صلاة الجمعة بالقرب من جدار الفصل
العنصري ، وطالب الشيخ صلاح تايه الخواجا خطيب الجمعة بضرورة الوحدة و التماسك
و استمرار المقاومة الشعبية ، و التلاحم و تفعيل دور كل المؤسسات و القوى
الشعبية لمناصرة استراتيجية المواجهة و المقاومة ، وانطلقت المسيرة بمشاركة
متضامنين دوليين و دعاة سلام و رفع العلم الفلسطيني و هتف الجميع ضد جدار الفصل
العنصري و سياسات الاحتلال و عند وصول الجدار قام الاحتلال باطلاق عشرات قنابل
الغاز المسيل للدموع و الصوت و تحولت المسيرة لمواجهات اصيب خلالها ثلاثة شبان
من البلدة ، و اكد شهود عيان بان المشاركون في المسيرة قاموا بتقطيع مساحات من
اسلاك جدار الفصل العنصري و تخريبه و تعتبر نعلين من اكثر البلدات التي منذ
البداية و حتى اليوم تم استبدال الجدار و بناءه ثلاث مرات و اعلن جيش الاحتلال
بانه تكلف ملايين الشواقل في بلدة نعلين نتيجة هدم مقاطع من الجدار و تخريب
المعدات الالكترونية ، و كذلك تقطيع الاسلاك الشائكة لجزء من جدار الفصل
العنصري . و أكد في القيادي في المقاومة الشعبية صلاح الخواجا بان المقاومة
بدأت تشق نجاحات و تحقق انتصارات على المستوى الدولي بمقاطعة المنتوجات
الاسرائيلية كمقدمة لاجراء مقاطعة لاسرائيل و على الارض اتساع حجم التأييد و
التوحد في تبني استراتيجية المقاومخة الشعبية ، و ما بدأت تشكل ضغط و احراج
لسياسة نظام الفصل العنصري الذي تقيمه اسرائيل.

صلاح الخواجا

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
Popular Committee to Defend Ush Ghrab (PCDUG)
A Bedouin in Cyberspace, a villager at home
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