Quarta Conferenza di Bil’in sulla resistenza popolare.

Care tutte e tutti,

vi invio qualche notizia in più della Conferenza sulla resistenza popolare non violenta che si terrà a Bi'lin dal 22 al 24 Aprile e il programma, in inglese.
Avrei dovuto aprire la conferenza insieme a Salaam Fayyad e Mairead Macguire, ma non arriverò in tempo. Sarò a Bi'lin dal 23 con una rappresentanza dei Corpi civili di pace  e per coordinare il gruppo di lavoro sulla responsabilità internazionale e le azioni comuni.
Un abbraccio,
Luisa Morgantini
Cari amici,
sulla scia delle atrocità commesse da Israele a Gaza, risulta vitale portare avanti la resistenza contro l'occupazione Israeliana. Il mese di Febbraio ha segnato il quarto anniversario delle proteste settimanali non violente contro la costruzione del muro dell'apartheid a Bi'lin.
Bi'lin è diventato il simbolo sia del furto di terra in Palestina che del potere dei movimenti non violenti della società civile, in un processo di costruzione di una resistenza locale e internazionale contro l'occupazione.
Vi invitiamo a partecipare alla quarta conferenza di Bi'lin dei movimenti di resistenza non violenta, che si terrà il 22-23-24 Aprile.
Gli obiettivi della conferenza sono:
1. Mostrare agli internazionali esempi di vita quotidiana delle battaglie e delle sofferenze dei Palestinesi
2.Ampliare il movimento di resistenza popolare non violenta
3. Rafforzare le relazioni con i movimenti di solidarietà internazionale e individuare nuove strade per sostenere la resistenza popolare
QUANDO: 22-24 Aprile 2009
DOVE: Villaggio di Bi'lin, Palestina
COSTI: Costo per l'alloggio, 20 euro per ogni notte + 30 euro per i costi di registrazione alla conferenza


Fourth Bil'in conference on grassroots popular resistance in April 2009

Dear Friends,
In the wake of the Israeli atrocities in Gaza it is vital that we continue to resist against the Israeli occupation. This February has marked the fourth anniversary of the weekly non-violent protests against the construction of the Apartheid Wall in Bil’in.
Bil’in has become a symbol both of the theft of land across Palestine and of the power of non-violent grassroots movements in building local and international resistance to Occupation.
We invite you to participate in the fourth Bil’in conference on grassroots popular resistance in April 2009.

The International Conference will be held on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of April
The aims of the conference are:

1. To show internationals real life examples of the struggles and suffering of Palestinians

2. To extend the Popular non-violent struggle

3. To strengthen the relationship with the international solidarity movements and to find new ways to strengthen and support the popular struggle
WHEN: 22-24 April, 2009

WHERE: Bil’in village, Palestine

COST: Accommodation per night is 20 Euros, plus conference registration of 30 Euros. Register for the conference

Many thanks for all of your work,

Bil’in Village Popular Committee Against the Apartheid Wall and Settlements

DAY 1: Wednesday, 22 April 2009 (Panels)

9:30 – 10:30 : Welcome speeches
– Eyad Burnat head of Bil’in Popular Committee
– Salam Fayad, Prime Minister of Palestine
– Luisa Morgantini, Vice President of the EU Parlament
– Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize

10:30 – 10:40 : Break
10:40 – 11:40 : Panel

10 minutes for each of the Heads of Delegations

11:40 – 11:50 : Break
11:50 – 13:35 : Promoting a Culture of Resistance

– Zico Tamela, International Officer of SATAWU, South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Durban, SA)
– Iman Hammouri, Director of the Popular Art Center and Steering Committee Member of PNGO (Jerusalem)
– Haidar Eid, Associate Prof. of English, Al-Quds University, Gaza, and member of PACBI’s Steering Committee (via video conference)

13:35 – 13:50 : Break
13:50 – 14:40 : Examples on the ground of popular nonviolent resistance in Palestine

– Abdullah abu rahma, Coordinator of the Bil’in popular committe
– Ahed Al Hawaje Coordinator of the Naalin (Ni’lin) popular committee
– Mahmud Zawahre, coordinator of the Maasera popular committee
– Fathi Khderat, Coordinator of the Jordan Valley Campaign

14:40 – 16:00 : Lunch
16:00 – 17:15 : Saving Jerusalem

– Rafiq Al Hussaini, Representative of the Palestinian President’s office and Secretary general of Jerusalem Capital of Arab Culture 2009
– Raid Salah, Representative of the Higher Monitoring Committee (48)
– Um Kamel al Khurd activist with the Sheik Jarah popular committee

17:15 – 17:30 : Break
17:30 – 19:30 : Panel of representatives of Palestinian Political leaders on The future of Popular Nonviolent Resistance

– Abed Elrahim Mallouh, Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front of Liberation of Palestine
– Mustafa Barghouthi, Secretary general of the Palestinian National Initiative, Mubadara
– Qais Samaria (abu Leila), Secretary general of the Democratic Front of Liberation of Palestine
– Basem Salhi, Secretary General of the Palestinian Popular Party
– Samir Ghousha, Secretary General of the Palestinian Liberation Front

19:30 – 20:30 : Presentation: Apartheid under Construction. The cantonization of Palestine

– Mustafa Barghouthi, Secretary general of the Palestinian National Initiative, Mubadara

20:30 – 22:00 : Cultural Event and Open Space for sharing materials of the organizations that are participating in the conference
DAY 2: Thursday, 23 April 2009 (Workshops & Fields Trips)
8:30 – 10:00 : WORKSHOPS (4 parallel workshops)
The BDS movement: challenges and perspectives
Coordinated by: Lubna Hammad (Adalah-NY), Muhammad Jaradat (Badil), Omar Barghouti (PACBI)
Legal Accountability for War Crimes
Coordinated by: Shawan Jabarin, General Director, Al-Haq, Michael Sfard, Israeli legal counsel to Bil’in Village Council, Merrav Amir/Dalit Baum, Project Coordinators, Who Profits? Exposing the Israeli Occupation Industry
Spreading and supporting the Popular nonviolent resistance (Bil’in)
Coordinated by: Eyad Morar (Abu Ahmed) Head of the popular committee of Budrus, Fathi Khderat, Coordinator of the Jordan Valley campaign
Building an international movement in solidarity with Palestine
Coordinated by: Luisa Morgantini, Vice-President of the European Parliament
– Hebron
– Beit Lehem
– Al Quds
– The Jordan Valley
– North West Bank
DAY 3: Friday, 24 April 2009
9:30 – 11:00 : Presentation of the final agreements of the workshops

– All the participants will have the opportunity to present their opinion and vote the conclusions of the different workshops through a participative methodology
– Spokesperson of the BDS movement: challenges and perspectives workshop
– Spokesperson of the Legal Accountability for War Crimes workshop
– Spokesperson of the spreading and supporting the Popular resistance workshop
– Spokesperson of the Building an international movement workshop
– Final discussion and agreements

11:30 – 12:30 : Training for Internationals: preparing an action
12:30 : Final demonstration against the Wall and settlements


How can I pay for the conference?
The conference Steering committee does not accept credit cards and personal checks, please bring cash only.

How do I get to Bilin village?

You need to get to Ramallah, from Ramallah there are services that can take you to Bilin either by waiting in the van to fill up and the price in this case is NIS 5 five Shekels or by taking a Taxi to the village and this will cost in between NIS 40-60. When you get to Ramallah, ask about « Mujma’ Al Mantiqa Al Gharbiya » means the services station for the Western Areas. You can also call one of the drivers for Bilin, his name is Khaled Burnat (0546 246 833).

What kind of accommodation is available?

All accommodation will be in Bil’in with host families. Showers will be available in the houses. It is 20 Euros per person per day and this price include dinner and breakfast and all lunches will be available at the conference site.


For any questions about the conference or your registration to the conference, please write to Bil’in Popular Committee: committee@bilin-village.org

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