ATENE: la pressione diplomatica ed economica israeliana che si profila ampia sulla preparazione della seconda flottiglia di aiuti diretta a Gaza, pronta per salpare da diversi porti alla fine del mese.
Israele ha chiaramente affermato che userà tutti i mezzi diplomatici e militari per mantenere il suo blocco navale sullla Striscia di Gaza. Gli eventi dei giorni scorsi ad Atene confermano che Israele sta mettendo in pratica le sue affermazioni. Apprendendo dall'operazione militare pasticciata dello scorso anno contro la flottiglia, che ha provocato la morte di otto civili turchi e di uno turco-americano – Israele sembra che stia facendo pressioni direttamente sul governo greco per prevenire la partenza della barche.
Questa mattina (venerdì, 24 giugno, ndr) ho scoperto che una 'denuncia privato' è stata depositata contro la US boat to Gaza. La denuncia, non è ancora chiaro chi l'ha presentata.
Early this morning, I discovered that a ‘private complaint’ had been filed against the US boat to Gaza. The complaint, it is still unclear who filed it, stated that the US boat to Gaza is not ’sea worthy’ and requires a detailed inspection.The harbor master where the boat is in port has declared that until the complaint is resolved the boat is not permitted to leave. Currently, lawyers representing the US boat are looking into the origins of the complaint and whether it was filed as a result of Israeli economic or diplomatic pressure on the Greek government. The boat is US flagged and registered in the United States.
The government of Greece has been on the edge of collapse due to expected European Union austerity measures which are overwhelmingly unpopular among the majority of the population. Demonstrations and riots have been rocking Athens for the past two weeks. Greek officials have confirmed that Israel and Greece have met in recent days to discuss various issues including the flotilla.
Given the fact that the Greek government is fighting for its political survival, it is unlikely that Greece would bend to Israeli diplomatic pressure. However, it is more probable that Greece would bend to direct Israeli economic pressure. Israel and Greece have a strong economic relationship which includes a joint gas pipeline project in the Eastern Mediterranean.
If substantiated,
rumors that Israel is threatening the
Israeli-Greek trade relationship could have profound effects on the economy of Greece which, in turn, would make implementing upcoming austerity measure much more difficult. Right now, these sentiments are merely
rumors and the Greek government is maintaining silence on economic relations with Israel in connection with the Flotilla. What is clear is that Flotilla ships are being targeted in Greek ports and might not sail.
10 ships are expected to sail as part of the Gaza aid flotilla. Currently three ships, including the US boat, have had complaints levied against them. US boat organizers believe that Greece will attempt to delay the ships indefinitely by using a serious of bureaucratic measures such as endless safety checks and cargo inspections. Despite the setbacks, organizers are continuing with their nonviolence and safety training. They are hopeful that the Greek government will allow the ships to sail next week as initially planned